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School Food Services supports the educational mission of LCCA by providing nutritious and appetizing school meals for the growth and development of healthy bodies, for learning readiness and for the promotion of lifelong eating behaviors. All meals and snacks at LCCA are free for all students. 

Lake City Christian Academy 

School Wellness Policy 
Lake City Christian Academy 

WellSAT Scores 

                    Mari Hernandez

               Food Service Manager

Our Lunch Menu


Our Breakfast Menu


It is the policy of LCCA  to maintain a school environment that is free from discrimination and to conduct it's educational practices, admissions programs, financial aid policies, hiring , and other school-administrative programs on the basis of an individual's qualifications and abilities.  The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (unless it is required as a bona fide occupational qualification), sex, national origin, age martial status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law, unless a particular status  contradict the deeply held religious convictions of LCCA.

Es política de LCCA mantener un ambiente escolar libre de discriminación y llevar a cabo sus prácticas educativas, programas de admisión, políticas de ayuda financiera, contratación y otros programas administrativos escolares sobre la base de las calificaciones y habilidades de un individuo. La escuela no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión (a menos que sea requerido como una calificación ocupacional genuina), sexo, origen nacional, edad, estado marcial, discapacidad o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley, a menos que un estado particular contradicen las convicciones religiosas profundamente arraigadas de LCCA.

Se politik LCCA pou kenbe yon anviwonman lekòl ki pa gen diskriminasyon epi fè pratik edikasyonèl, pwogram admisyon, règleman èd finansye, anbochaj, ak lòt pwogram administratif lekòl yo sou baz kalifikasyon ak kapasite yon moun. Lekòl la pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, relijyon (sòf si li obligatwa kòm yon kalifikasyon okipasyonèl bon konfyans), sèks, orijin nasyonal, estati masyal laj, andikap, oswa nenpòt lòt karakteristik ki pwoteje pa lalwa, sof si yon estati patikilye. kontredi konviksyon relijye pwofondman LCCA yo.

© 2025 Lake City Christian Academy.

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